Life through my eyes......
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
I recieved this from one of them and decided to share it :) She's a rather smart lady I tell ya
It is the new year. 2008. 8 years into the new millennium. 2007 brought the end to some situations in some folks lives.
Some marriages ended. Some folks graduated. Marriages were began. Births, relationships. Some of us even saw death.As we say good bye to a year, we say hello to a year of infinite possibilities. I do mean infinite.
The opportunities are endless.It is my hope in this new year, that you walk in the bountifulness that God has orchestrated for your life. Your Destiny.Life is indeed what we make it. We can choose to be sad, we can choose to be down.
Or we can decide that what ever comes our way, we are going to walk with grace in the grace that abounds. Holding our heads up high and loving ourselves as God loves us. Not excepting the mediocre but demanding excellence. There are two scriptures that are embedded in my thoughts this year and I must share them with you.
The first is, "Faith without works is dead." James 2:17I know there are promises and things that you know are coming to you. I stand here to tell you that you have to activate your faith by working towards growth and believing actively by working. Saying God is going to do and believing by actions of faith that God is going to do is two different things. You have been praying for weight loss.
Get up and get on the tread mill. We have got to work in this year coming. Put that faith to action.The second Scripture is, Matthew 6:, "But, seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness;and all these things shall be added unto you."Let us not go into this year worrying about a thing. If we earnestly seek God this year concerning things, and then LEAVE THEM THERE, He will do what He said he would. God said, He would never leave us nor forsake us. This is your year.
My hope is that you walk in the prosperity of love, peace, grace, health, and abundance of God. Prosperity is not just about money, but being whole. Whole in God. He wants us to be Whole.This is my hope for you in this new yer. This will be a year of growth and peace for us all. Please know that you are all in my heart and I am praying for you.
I love you and know that you will walk in greatness. You are all destined to be great and prosper.You are all men of valor. You are all women grace and destiny.
Nice. You are blessed in the sister love arena ;).
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Faith without works is dead. Gotta love it!
That gave me chills...beautiful!
beautiful post Honey...your best yet!!!
*sniff* that literally brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you receiving that and I hope you'll claim all that they're wishing for you.
you truly are blessed!
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