Life through my eyes......
Friday, January 27, 2006
Shake that Laffy Taffy
1. are you content with your life? For the most part I am, of course things could be better if I were married to a millionaire then again more money more I'm good for now
2. if not, what would make you content? Being debt free...student loans are a bia bia!
3. if so, what makes you content with it?Being loved by all who know me (smile)
4. what do you like most about yourself?My level of compassion and being a great listener
5. what do you wish you could change about yourself? I love a lil too hard and sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve.
6. what irritates you most about other people? The need to feel as if they can lie and it won't matter, boo I am not stupid...just be for real.
7. what state do you live in? if not in the u.s., where in the world are you at? I live in VA
8. what do you look for in the mate who would be most compatible for you? (you'll notice i didn't say perfect mate, cuz there is no such thing as perfection, only perfection in imperfections). I would have to say someone who loves and is seeking a better relationship with God, loves children and is sensative to his needs and those around him, he must also be willing to advance himself beyond where is at in that present moment of his life.
9. do you enjoy giving oral sex? I sure do (emmm emm, dang lol) but of course you can't do it for everyone....wouldn't be right some of them just dont' "look" right
10. if so, why?There are those that don't wow.....what can I say I love making a man lose control and knowing that I caused it. The only reason I wouldn't do it would be that their penis just ain't big enough so it wouldn't matter either way lol or the fact that it just don't look too good enough for me to put in my mouth LOL....I think it's the Kryptonite I'm on that's making me so brutal today.
11. if not, why? why not like it, jsut make sure you know who you're doing it too and what they were doing before umm you know lol lol
12. how old were you when you lost your virginity?I was 19 and in college
13. was it a good experience for you?It sure was, much better than all my friends experiences they kinda hated on me for a minute.
14. what motivates you to wake up each morning?Knowing that there are some who don't get that opportunity and that I'm making my parents proud.
15. what do you see yourself doing in five years? Either in law school or being done with law school married or engaged to my future husband and father of my children.
16. what is your 'big plan' for 2006? Do better spiritually, mentally and physically, take more time for me, learn to be more aggressive, and save more.
17. what do you love most about being single/involved/married? At the moment my status is confused LOL...cause I have a sweetie but he's in the navy and we have our girls think he is gonna propose within the next year, I don't so I do me and he does him, but we meet up somewhere in the middle. I love having someone who cares for me, but I also love having the privilege of dating and meeting new people.
18. how often do you have sex in a week? Depends on if I'm "with" someone. For the most part it's about once a week, maybe twice if you include if this time period includes a weekend then about 6 times LOL....
19. do you masturbate?......silence.......crickets......yea I do, and what?! LOL
20. what are your favorite television shows? Law & Order, Crossing Jordan, Medium, ER
21. who are your favorite actors/actresses? Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd, Sandra Bullock
22. what are you listening to on your ipod/cd player right now? I'm actually listening to WBLS in NY on the internet and it's playing Unpredictable by Jamie Foxx...funny that's how I'm feeling now and how I'm gonna be tonight while I'm out on the town with the girls.
23. give me three adjectives that best describe you. Talkative, Opinionated, Shy
24. what is your zodiac sign? Libra
25. what do you love most about blogging? I get to be nosy without being too nosey LOL
posted @10:31am

i guess we libras have a lot in common.. i can relate to almost all of your answers.. but definitely #9 :o)
@southern gal I do too but for some reason I hear it more than usual on a Friday lol amazes me how much the stuff about libras is soo true about me even though I try not to believe in that stuff too far as number 9 lol I'm glad I ain't that only one who has seen a questionable one or two lol
not really questionable.. just not pretty enough to be blessed by me :o)
Hey girl - what up ! I miss talking to u on the im but the new job wont allow it - come by my site and say HI
@ttd...good way of putting it.
@me...yea you be MIA I sent you an IM the other day....update your post please LOL
Hey Libra,
Girl this was a great post! I love to be nosey to and this post gave me a chance to be nosey and all up in yo business, LOL (SMILE).
I think I may do one like this soon to.
Take care mama!
Hillarious resonspes I really got to know you from reading this. My favorite part was: "Being loved by all who know me (smile)". That was cute. Who all reads your blog?
@"n" search yea girl that's how I am when I read other people's blogs that have that quiz on.
@peach....I try to make it do what it do and I don't know who reads it I know no one I know personally cause they might get their feelings hurt (lol)
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