Life through my eyes......
Friday, December 02, 2005
Keep in on the Down Low
Well I'm on there (yea I'm at work and what, the bosses were aways so Honey must play) I am checkin out the guys that are in the age range of 26-29 just to see what is going on...of course I aint' hookin up with no one....later on that. So anyway I'm on there and I'm reading pages and I come across this guy whose name is DL _____. I'm like wow, with all the drama surrounding DL men now why would you put yourself on blast like that. Out of curiosity (yea it did kill the cat) I click on his name to read his page. He tells what he likes and all that jazz (talking bout lickin booty...ewwwww!!!!) I mean why do that you might as well eat someone's crap and I don't mean the stuff they say out of thier mouth I'm talking crap literally....anyway at the end of his page he's like notice the name so keep it quiet.
I'm like wow, he can't even own up to the fact that he is gay or bisexual. Then again who am I to judge.....I can't. To each his own. But I did wonder if he is messing with a sister out there who is in love with him, and thinks the world of him and he's doing this to her. It's fine that he isn't comfortable enough to "come out", but to involve someone else in the process is beyond questionable to me. I mean if you need to come to grips with who you are sexually, do you. Take time to sit down and evaluate. But by all means do it alone, don't confuse or hurt someone else just because you need to get off.
And believe me he didn't have this all on his page...that he was married and what not or even involved I just began to wonder all of this as I read his page. I tend to read between the lines or imagine things. What can I say I'm a creative mind and it wanders sometimes. I can only imagine how I would react if I found out that the man I loved, would ride or die for told me he was in love with a man and wanted to create a life with him. But had been sleeping with both of us at the same time.

But I do know that dating has become so much more serious now. I mean I'm gonna need to see your Drivers License, some references, go to your house to insure you aren't hiding a wife and kids, and also where you work....and your personal style...cause not only must we as women be on the up and up to stay on top of other women in this world but we must watch out for the man that might come along and make the one we are with realize that he is attracted to men, or would like to experiement with them.
Now trust and believe a sister has nothing against those of the alternative what you do as long as you aren't trying to do it with me. To each his/her own. I just get so hurt at the fact that there are men out there (and I read in an advice column that women are doing it too) who haven't fully come into the know about who they are sexually. It's important to know what you like and what you don't like cause then I feel as if you have some grips on who you are as a person...then again it takes time for people to get to this point. But you best believe this sister will be on her p's, q's and toes all the time.
Posted at 11:41 am

I completely agree with you: To each his/her own. What ever people do is there own business and I will not judge them. But I do have a problem with someone being deceitful!
I just think that if a man/woman is bisexual, gay, or however they want to define themselves, that they should be honest and up front with the people that they date. Allow the person they’re dating to make the choice on their own if they want to continue to see them as oppose to keeping them in the dark about it. Some people may be more than willing to continue seeing once they’ve told the truth.
My sister (she lives in a suburb of Atlanta), met J.L. King in a restaurant one day a few months back. He was very friendly and approachable. She introduced herself to him and they talked for a while. She said that he told her that women still come on to him and still want to have sex with him even though they know he is gay. So my point is, DL men should be honest with women and allow them to make the choice of whether or not they want to be involved.
Sorry for the long response ;-(
DL Men are f'n it up for all of us available heterosexual men.
I get offended when I meet a woman and they ask me about my sexuality. So thank you DL men for fuckin' it up for the rest of us.
I agree with all the comments that have been left. On that note, I would have sex with a bisexual guy. Why. Well, I don't mind having threesomes...(did I just say that?). And when I have them I wold love for another man to be down for whatever. Ofcourse I don't want to watch the two having intercourse. But my ultimate fantasy is for a man to be having sex with me and the other going down at the same time. Who else would be down for some shit like that, except for a bisexual man. Okay I have said enough.
DL Men are f'n it up for all of us available heterosexual men.
I get offended when I meet a woman and they ask me about my sexuality. So thank you DL men for fuckin' it up for the rest of us.
DL Men are f'n it up for all of us available heterosexual men.
I get offended when I meet a woman and they ask me about my sexuality. So thank you DL men for fuckin' it up for the rest of us.
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