Life through my eyes......
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Listening Party....
So Jamie's cd has been highly anticiapted at least by me cause I use to love when he would sing on his show (especially that song he sang to Fancy when they got married) so I listened to it and have come to the following conclusion- I would buy it if it were on sale. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be..I was expecting more hits...there were some good ones and then there were some ok ones....but there is one thing i know...he can sing (my opinion). I love that song about the storm and then there is of course unpredictable and a couple of others that I'm sure will be hits with some people.
On to Mary...aight in the words of my buddy A.G. ( (no i have yet to learn how to link better than copying and pasting the link so if you know how then fill a sister in lol) I love me some Mary J. And her first single is so HOT that I was like aight I might have to cop this. First thing I noticed was that she is rapping (or trying to) on this album...what is up with that. I know artists are suppose to be versitle but ummm not for real Mary...what is that about? The title track was aight nothing to special glad she released be without you as the first single. I was disappointed somewhat. As usual her delievery of course is great..she sings so hard you can feel her pain and you can halfway see her facial expressions. So I probably wont' cop this one unless it's on sale or someone offers to burn their copy (I do like the song Good Woman down though--cause you can't hold a good woman down)
Aight so after all that what else can I talk toot (my 1 year old nephew) I get to see him for Christmas..which is of course great cause I haven't seen him in about 2 or 3 months can't remember and I'm missing so much. I wasn't there when he took his first step and he's probably sick of Auntie taking so many pics with her camera phone....he tends to act like he wants me to pick him up and then run the other way...a lil game we play. My god daughter olivia is spoiled probably because it's in her nature lol. She's part African and I don't mean black I mean her father is from Nigeria I think or is it Ghana....then again he gets on my nerves so I don't want to talk about him.
Whenever her mom leaves the room she cries and she is getting use to me somewhat I think she is like my nephew auntie why you keep sticking that thing in my face telling me to smile. My cheeks hurt I can't smile no more lol.
Work is aight...I'm seriously ready to go home. This week is going by aight not too slow not too fast but then again this whole year has gone by fast. I mean it just seems like I bought christmas gifts and here I am again (being a procrastinator) and buying them again. I know this year I'm buying most of my gifts via online and throughout the year next year. Cause this last minute stuff although cute it is and the fact that I get to hang out with my sisters and mom is also nice (since I don't get to see them too often now) has got to give.....people be fighting over toys and what's not even that serious.
A month or so ago I brought Green Eyes a shirt..he said he wore it yesterday and got compliments on it. It's just a button down but it has some wild pattern that he tends to like. He said he told people that his sweetie bought it (yea aight sure don't try to psyche me up) I could care less...just glad that I can pick out nice stuff and be right in assuming that the person is gonna like it. I tend to have a good eye for fashion. He asked for a Steelers Jersey or a pair of Timbs for Christmas I said you aint' gettin no shoes cause when a girl buys a guy a pair of shoes he walks out of her life.....I know silly but it's happened. I doubt I will get him either and I told him that so he might get a nice lil button up and some work pants or what not but no shoes..we'll see how I feel when I go shopping. He will probably get nothing but a card that says Happy Holidays do better next year (lol).
I'm thinking of getting a gift for Z since I'm spending New years with him..he moved to NC and into a new apt so it will really be a house warming gift...which will mean it's some towels or know things rarely match in a mans bathroom so that will be a welcoming effect. I'm still feeling kinda of nervous about that whole visit but the only thing that can happen now is me canceling my flight and that happening so I'll just deal with it and in the words of Kshine---dont' get too anxious about seeing him but be excited about the experience of flying since I haven't flown since I went to Miami about 2 years ago. So after the new year I will def have a nice long post..then again I might not (we'll see)
Don't know if I will write again between today and thurs I try not to write too much then I have nothing to talk about. So if I don't then Happy Holidays to everyone safe and careful out there. See ya after Christmas!!!!!!!
posted @ 1:29pm

Omigosh, they are gorgeous. Okay, let me read the rest of this post.
@maximus yea I know sad how crack ruins people's lives
@peach yea they make me wanna have kids till they start acting their "color" lol
You spendin' New Years with Z? You went and found another Z? I'm heated!
@zed...sorry you weren't giving me what I needed so I had to look elsewhere
Mary J is tha shit, I wish that was my Baby's Mama.
I loved the Mary J. Blige album, but you might not like my review on Jamie Foxx since you love him...LOL
I hope you have a happy holiday...Now what are you getting for yourself???
Okay that's my goal, get the Jamie CD and have my own private listening party with candals.
that Jamie Foxx is so tight ot me for some reason -- just really tight.
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